Jeff Sutherland

Business Object Design and Implementation Workshop

News27 April 1997

Please check out the OOPSLA'97 Business Object Workshop.

Sutherland J., D. Patel, C. Casanave, G. Hollowell and J. Miller (Eds). Business Object Design and Implementation: OOPSLA'95 Workshop Proceedings. Springer-Verlag, 1997.

Papers published by Springer-Verlag

New papers

Updated papers:

Position Papers

See OOPSLA'95 Workshop on Business Object Design and Implementation Summary.


Jeff Sutherland (
Cory Casanave (
Glenn Hollowell (
Joaquin Miller (
Dilip Patel (


Tony Bailetti and J.R. Callahan, Carleton University

Cory Casanave, Data Access Corporation

Tom Digre, Texas Instruments

Michael Gorman, ANSI X3H2 SQL Database Technical Committee

Thomas Grotehen and Rene Schwarb, Swiss Bank Corporation/SYSTOR

William Hertha, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

Rainer Kossmann, Bell Northern Research, Ltd.

William E. McCarthy, Michigan State University

Bruce Miner, Koba Software, Inc.

Stéphane Poirier and Colin Ashford, Bell Northern Research. Ltd.

Guus Ramackers, Oracle Corporation

Ken Schwaber, Advanced Development Methods

Seldon L. Stewart and James A. St. Pierre, NIST

Gerald D. Zincke, GMO, Austria



Call for Participation

Topics of Interest

The specification of a business object.
Do we need a large-grained object design pattern?
How do we identify a business object (discriminating tests)?

What design techniques are useful for business object modeling?
What is the relation of business process reengineering to business objects?
How do we enhance reuse?
What application frameworks are already available?

How will business objects communicate? Be distributed? Interoperate?
How do we version business objects? Make them persistent?

What about dynamic evolution of business objects?
How should transactions be handled?
Where do we put business rules? Control structures? Presentation? Shared data?

How do business objects interface with legacy systems?



Pointers of Interest


Dr. Jeff Sutherland
IDX Systems Corporation
116 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02116 USA
Phone: +1 (617)266-0001x2920 | Fax: +1 (617) 721-1226
Cory Casanave
Data Access Technologies
14000 S.W. 119 Avenue
Miami, Florida 33186-6017 USA
Phone: +1 (305) 238-0012 | Fax: +1 (305) 238 0017
Glenn Hollowell
2706 Montopolis Drive
Austin, TX 78741-6499, USA
Phone: +1 (512) 356 7166 | Fax: +1 (512) 356 3575
Joaquin Miller
Chair, X3H7 Object Information Management Rapporteur and Project Editor, ISO ODP Enterprise Viewpoint
Chief Scientist-Objects & Models
SHL Systemhouse
12750 Center Court Drive, Suite 700
Cerritos, CA 90703-8583, USA
Phone: +1 (713) 222-2345 | Fax: +1 (562) 860-9668
Prof. Dilip Patel
Centre for Information and Office Systems
South Bank University
London, UK

TopJeff Sutherland