Monday, January 31, 2005

SOA: What's happening in 2005

2005: A Year of Opportunity and Challenges Awaits the Industry
Joe McKendrick, Wednesday 26 January 2005

WebServices.Org asks a number of industry visionaries to tell us what to expect for 2005. Predictions from Ronan Bradley, Tim Ewald, Dan Foody, Paul Lipton, David S. Linlithcum, Michael Liebow, Eric Newcomer, Bob Brauer, Jack Quinnell, Cory Isaacson.

Check out the full article. Cory Isaacson, CEO of Rogue Wave, sums it up:

In 2005, we'll definitely see huge uptake on Service-Oriented Application development. But, as with any new technology paradigm, early implementers will run into serious difficulties. Companies will experiment with SOA applications, finding that they need to reconsider designs for acceptable results. We see the growth of very large messaging (VLM) – both size and volume of service-based messages – choking application performance, causing some developers to "go back to the drawing board." However, even with these growing pains, expect to see SOA fully entrenched in the industry by year's end.


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