Scrum Log Jeff Sutherland

Scrum is an Agile development framework that Jeff Sutherland invented at Easel Corporation in 1993. Jeff worked with Ken Schwaber to formalize Scrum at OOPSLA'95. Together, they extended and enhanced Scrum at many software companies and helped write the Agile Manifesto.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Scrum Gathering Munich Keynote: Practical Roadmap to Great Scrum

A Practical Roadmap to Great Scrum: A Systematic Guide to Hyperproductivity
Jeff Sutherland, Ph.D - Chairman, Scrum Training Institute

The best data in the world on Scrum comes from a CMMI Maturity Level 5 company that is migrating all data collection to function points to provide research data on over 100 highly disciplined teams. I will describe how a new Scrum team can follow the path of Systematic Software Engineering to double productivity by focusing on DONE and then doubling it again by focusing on product backlog READY. Current research shows that every team can achieve hyperproductivity in a few sprints, even in a dysfunctional company. This presentation will show you exactly how to do it and how easy it is if you remove impediments.

Click here for slides...


Blogger Manfred said...

Hi Jeff,

One key element in your presentation is that you recommend to introduce DONE " as the key to doubling performance" and READY "as the *second* key of doubling performance"

I just wonder if there is a particular reason why you recommend this order of improvements. Why not introducing/improve READY and than DONE?

Cheers, Manfred

6:42 PM  
Blogger Jeff Sutherland said...

DONE is more important than READY initially because the team is so slow and quality is so poor that READY doesn't matter.

When the team starts to perform, READY becomes critical and the Product Owner is a bottleneck.

Despite this, I always work with a company to get the backlog ready before starting the first Scrum team.

6:47 PM  
Blogger Mark said...


I'm interested in understanding better how to employ something like the feature read check list used by Systematic. From what I have seen online and read in books regarding how to run a project with Scrum, I get the sense that Scrum tries to use "responsibly minimal" documentation outside of the key ceremonies. I'm wondering about:

1. When the effort is applied to comply with this check list?
2. How much of the outcome of this check list is documented?
3. Where would it be documented?

Do I understand correctly that the first two sections, "Prepare Feature for Commitment" and "Clarify Feature for Development" are done outside of the formal "Sprint Planning" meeting? Clearly the PO does the first section. The form indicates the Architect does the second section. So, does this also assume this architect is not part of "the team"? Or, if he is, how does he account for the effort spend on preparing features to pass this check list as well as participating in the sprint? Finally, the last section "Prepare Feature for Implementation" is done by the lead developer. Again, I have to believe the lead developer is part of the the team so when is his effort applied and balanced against work on the sprint? Guess I'm looking for a more clear time line of how the preparation and check offs to this list line up with the actually sprint planning and execution in Scrum.


6:08 PM  

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