Business Entity Components and Process Components

Hans Albrecht Schmid, University of Applied Sciences, Konstanz

email: schmidha@fh-konstanz


business applications, component, business component, business object, business entity, business process


The topic of this paper is how to structure a business application in components. A business component is constructed by horizontal and vertical integration of business objects. Vertically, it integrates four layers of a business objects and consists of three (layered) constituent components. Horizontally, on each layer, it integrates a set of closely related business objects. Conditions are given to determine the business objects to be included. Business components are partitioned in business entity components and business process components, since they have different properties. It is shown that the domain layer of a process component should be on top of the presentation layer in a layered architecture.

Patel , D., Sutherland, J., Miller, J., (Eds.) Business Object Design and Implementation V: OOPSLA'99 Workshop Proceedings. Springer, 1999 (full text available at the Workshop).


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